Monday, January 10, 2011

Maecy is wondering where dad went. . .

And she thinks she figured out how to follow.

Sledding! January 2010

We took the kids sledding the weekend before school resumed. This is the only photo taken because the battery died directly thereafter. The boys really did go. A good time was had by all.

The girls enjoy Maecy's new Radio Flyer trike

Maecy's pal Fiona

Maecy opens her gifts

Maecy is surrounded by friends for her second birthday

Sweet sisters

Something tells me I'll be pulling this photo out in about 10 years to remind the girls that at least at one time they were very kind to each other.

Christmas with family

Maecy and Grandma Crooks

Nana Edi and our cousin Jessica

Maecy and her aunt Lynea

Christmas conflict

Isaac, Ethan and Poppa Brian engage in a nerf battle to end all battles. Actually, I think it ended in a draw. And then I found darts for weeks. Everywhere.

Maecy and dad- December 2010

It took both James and "poppa" Brian to figure out the girls' zhu zhu maze.

Isaac has the Christmas spirit as he enjoys a new DS game.

James, tuckered out from Christmas gift opening.

Christmas 2010

The season reminded me that we are blessed to have four healthy, beautiful children.

Our 14 foot tree!

One of our greatest Craigslist finds had to be this massive tree.

The candy haul!

Ethan's Halloween costume was: a handsome teenager. Yay! October brought Ethan home from the weekend with a new haircut.

Lordy lordy look who's 40!

October 20 James hit the big 4-0. We celebrated with a small gathering of 80 or so of his closest friends. It was, according to James, "the best party [he's] had since birth!" It was a blast. I love you James!

Once again I seem to have documented a significant event in our lives with photographs only of food. What does this say about me?

The Ol' Pumpkin Patch

Fall also finds James in school

James returned to college to get his bachelor's degree. He started as a junior this fall at Boise State University. Here Maecy is helping him to study for a test. She's looking up the answers (the heavy lifting) while dad writes out the notecards (the easy stuff).

Halloween 2010- "Ima bee, Ima bee, Ima Ima Ima bee!"

I found a little bee costume for Maecy at a local thrift store. When I tried it on her Piper declared that she also wanted to be a bee.

Luckily, Isaac got the memo that this years' theme was yellow and black. He's a ninja. In case you couldn't tell.

And this is just plain cute. Isaac is such a sweet big brother.

Killer bee.