Saturday, February 14, 2009

Princesses and Pirates

Isaac and Piper participated in the Princesses and Pirates activity at the Garden City library this past week. Tessie made a great pirate costume for Isaac using some old jeans, and cutting up an old t-shirt.

Isaac and Piper both had their faces painted, did a cake walk, decorated a crown/pirate hat and played pin the eye-patch on the pirate. Piper also did some dancing. Enjoy the pictures.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Isaac's Character Breakfast

Recently Isaac was selected to participate in a Character breakfast as his school. This honor was because he displayed "perseverance" over the course of the month. Tessie, Maecy and I had the opportunity to eat breakfast with Isaac and some other students at the school, along with Mr. Forrey, the principal. Congratulations Isaac.

Here are some pictures of toothless-Isaac eating his crumbcake, yogurt, and orange wedge. Yep, school food still sucks, as do cell phone cameras.