Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Plastic surgery, now used on more than just breasts!

Tessie is the coach of our co-ed softball team this year. So far we are undefeated but we have all made some personal sacrafices for our wins. TeteJaune recently took a softball to the cheekbone and was rushed to the emergency room for a CAT Scan. He shattered his cheekbone and broke his nose too. He was scheduled for a reconstructive surgery to take place one week later after the swelling went down. TeteJaune's injury meant that Tess and I spent our SECOND night in a row at a hospital.

Luckily his girlfriend Sarah works at a an Ear, Nose & Throat clinic here in town and TeteJaune was able to get a highly skilled plastic surgeon to do his work. He now has some metal plates and screws where his cheekbone was. He is healing nicely but has missed a lot of work since he is not allowed to drive, lift heavy objects or operate machinery.

Please keep him in your prayers, for those of you that pray. Those that don't pray can send money instead. Seriously, we love TeteJaune and wish him a speedy recovery. This is a picture taken from my camera phone (sorry for the poor quality) in the emergency room an hour after the accident. TeteJaune's first words to us were "did we win the game?"

1 comment:

Jill Crooks said...

Yikes! I hurt just looking at his injuries. I'm glad that he has connections through his girl friend with a good surgeon.