I found out that Curious George was going to be visiting the Garden City library today. Piper is a big fan of anything monkey, so I thought it would be fun to take her to see him. After the librarian read a short C.G. story, the life-size monkey himself came in to greet the kids in a manner that would have made even the best costume-wearing Santa Clause proud.
Piper wanted nothing to do with the giant monkey. In fact, she openly resisted me when I tried to take her up to see the six-foot man in the f aux-fur suit. I had imagined getting some cute photos of her cuddled up to George but that wasn't going to happen. Finally I asked someone to snap this one photo of the three of us. Piper was so traumatized she wouldn't even look over at George. I guess it was a good thing that 'the man with the big yellow hat' didn't show up too. Way to go dad! It's special little moments like these that your kids will remember forever!

Aww, wish I had known about that. Hyrum loves the Curious George cartoon they play on PBS. He's also really into monkeys lately. It's too bad Piper didn't go for it. I would have thought she'd love that.
Jay, myson get to see a monkey everyday when he wakes up to you :)
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