Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sickness in the Page house again

Well, Maecy came home with a GI bug that had her puking most of Sunday. It cleared up mid-morning Monday but she was still cranky and lethargic. Then last night Piper woke me up because she'd started puking at 1:30, and continued until this morning. Isaac woke me at 2:30 because he started puking, and continued through today. He's still down for the count, and also running a fever. Poor little guy. Then James came home from work, and Ethan came home from school, and both have sick bellies. Only good news so far is I seem to be untouched (and keeping my fingers crossed). Here are some pictures of the kids earlier, then Piper who rebounded pretty well, and me, trying to play it off!

Maecy LOVES taking a bath

Monday, October 12, 2009

Swine Flu hits the Page House

First I got it-- laid up most of last week (Wednesday through Sunday) and now Ethan has it. Please keep him in your prayers. So far he seems to be faring pretty well though he is running a high fever. The doctor prescribed me cough medicine with narcotics in it but nothing for poor Ethan. The medicine, after our insurance paid its' share, was $40! I was outraged, and careful not to spill any of my "liquid gold." James chuckled and showed me the label; so I had to take a picture and put it up here.

Piper can read!

We had bought Isaac the Bob book series a couple years ago when he started to learn to read. This summer we started working with Piper on it and she's doing quite well!

Isaac's creations

Everyone knows Isaac loves his Legos. Here are a couple that he built-- the Indiana Jones one I think is from the instructions, the tank was his own invention.

More of Maecy

Maecy was helping me organize the shoe bin a couple weekends ago.

Maecy, playing with her "Learn and Groove" table that Uncle Tejon got her.

Piper and Maecy playing in Piper's room. Piper is so good to her baby sister.

James drives an air-cooled

And Maecy liked the van while it was going down the road, not so much when it was converted into her room. Translation: mom was up all night!

Here is James, ready to go camping.

Yes, I said it, James drove an air-cooled.
This one.

Maecy's new chair

So about a month ago Maecy decided she was too big and was getting too active for the bumbo, and we haven't the room for a high chair, so I found this dandy invention on Craig's List. I love Craig.