Friday, September 18, 2009


Maecy is getting a second tooth! Short of holding her down and prying her mouth open as she valliantly fights me off, I cannot get a picture of these teeth. But they are there- I promise!

Ethan is in photography class and doing a pretty cool assignment right now-- working on finding letters made of ordinary things, then he's supposed to make a word. I hope he will share it so I can post it on here for you all to see. He has quite the eye for photography.

Isaac and Piper- nothing new here. Both are doing well and enjoying school. When I get some pictures I'll post them.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Maecy at the IPAA Conference picnic

Weekend Update

Maecy got her first tooth! No pictures because it's just barely broken the surface, but you can feel it! Oh how the time flies.

The kids all started school last Monday and they all seem to enjoy it so far. Ethan had his first assignments this weekend and got right on it. He is set to get his braces off here soon. Isaac is still plugging away building Lego's, entering contests even. He hopes to win the $1000 Lego Card with his latest entry. Piper has started to read and is really getting pretty good at sounding out words. Her latest book is about Dot, so now all dolls are named Dot!

Monday, September 7, 2009

The requisite Maecy eating picture. . .

Again mom?

A new cook in the house

Maecy enjoying some utensils this morning.

September 6- Maecy at play

Maecy says goodbye

Mom leaves on her first trip away from the baby. When asked, "Does she miss me?" James replied, "Actually she's much better when you aren't around. She's been pretty happy." OUCH!