Maecy Elise was born on 1/3/09, just a few days late of qualifying for a tax deduction in 2008. Tessie did well with labor and was grateful for the wonders of modern medicine to help her through the pain.
Maecy's stats are:
7 lbs. 14 ounces
20.5 inches long
Born at 15:16 on January 3rd
Maecy is spelled with an "e" in honor of her maternal great-grandmother Dorothy Mae.
We will be returning home tomorrow and introducing Maecy to the nursery and her new home. Hopefully Sadie will not be too jealous of Tessie's attention shifting from her to Maecy. The other children are very excited about Maecy, especially Piper, who is ready to be a "big sister."
Tessie and I are exhausted after being awake over 30 hours straight. We are ready for some good sleep and hope that Maecy will be cooperative.
Although newborn pictures are never the most flattering, we think she is beautiful. Enjoy the pictures.