Saturday, November 29, 2008

Piper's Princess Party

Our little princess turns four in a few days.  Tessie, Grandma Buttram and I threw a "princess" party for Piper and her friends from school.  Tessie decorated the house with streamers, balloons, princess lights and special music.

The girls made foam crowns and decorated them with jewels and other embellishments then each of the girls got her picture taken on a throne in the grand ballroom.  Each of the girls came dressed in their "princess finest" and had fun getting their pictures taken.

Tessie had planned games including, pin the kiss on the frog, pin the crown on the princess, musical chairs and others.  The royal table was set with personalized name cards, princess goblets, septers, pink plates and napkins and candles and jewels.

The crowning touch was a beautiful princess cake that grandma Buttram made with a custom petitcoat and beautiful frosting dress.  The cake had a special pedestal with dangling crystals and beads.  Piper had a lot of fun with her friends and she got a bunch of nice princess themed gifts.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

This year Tessie's sister Lynea and my brother-in-law Mike were our guests for Thanksgiving. Mike and Jessicas two children, Hyrum and Emily also joined us, but Jessica was in Idaho Falls for the holiday. Tessie and her mother worked all day Wednesday preparing pies and side dishes so the turkey was the only thing left to cook on Thursday.

Piper helped Tessie make some of the pies. Isaac made name cards for each diner, customized with artwork depicting some of the favorite things that each person enjoys doing. My card had a Volkswagen drawn on jackstands, along with a stickfigure (me) with a wrench in my hand!

Ethan set the table and helped us by eating down the piles of food that was left over after the meal.

We have so much to be thankful for this year. It is hard to believe that this year has passed so quickly.